Three cups of stencil from View larger

Three cups stencil

New product

Three cups stencil for stencil printing.

Let the cups fly freely in the room on your stencil press.
Or put them on a nice row. For example, as an edge on a kitchen cabinet.

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47,00 DKK tax incl.

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Make your own pattern on a wall like the example in the first photo. Here, three different llz stencils have been used (5-049, 5-070 and 1-109). You can also buy it as a set / stencil kit with all stencils, instructions and swatches. (Look below: "Well started kits).

In photo 2, there is printed with textile colors on a white tea towel. A nice little hostess gift.

Tre-kopper-llz-stencil-tryk-er-her-vist-som-eksempel-til-tryk-på-en-væglad opvasken stå viskestykke med kopper og tern lavet med llz stencils
