Triangle pattern stencil from View larger

Triangular pattern stencil

New product

This triangular stencil is made to print fabrics, walls or paper.

It has registration marks at each end, so you can easily place the stencil again and again.
The stencils can easily be repeated and reversed and turned to create variations in the pattern.

Like most of the other designs I've made, LLZ DESIGN Stencils can be made in other sizes.

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Here is an example of how I have used a triangle pattern stencil. First, I painted a bottom color on a piece of paper.
Then I have stencil printed a coffee pot. When the paint was dry, I put my triangle pattern stencil underneath.
And made another print, which was again delimited by the coffee potato stencil.

mønstret kaffekande lavet på papir vha to skabeloner fra LLZ Stencils