Udstillinger med stencil tryk View larger

Exhibition in Art before Columbus

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An exhibition of hand-printed wallpapers and patterns.

Pattern Meetings Motiv. A theme that more and more occupies myself as an performing artist, where I use the technique of stencil printing the motifs on paper.

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Patterns, shapes and colors have followed me throughout my artistic career. The stories I lift into a pattern and the stories a viewer takes from the pattern is not necessarily the same. That's what makes it so fascinating. There is no fixed image analysis concept. It's only one's own thought and visual route through the pattern that counts.

When I am in this exhibition at ART BEFORE COLUMBUS, the route breaks up in the pattern. For example, in the form of a figure that makes a cold bucket; or one who loses his orange; yes, it is to create a voltage field-the interference, in the repetitive uniformity a pattern is characterized.

Many of the motifs and patterns are from LLZ Stencils and can therefore also be purchased for your creative performances.

Fra udstillingen: Når mønster møder motiv. Selve ægge-stencilen kan købes på webshoppenNærbillede af værk udstillet på Kunst før ColumbusFra udstillingen med motiv intigreret i et tapetmønsterFra udstillingen hos Kunst før Columbusmotiv møder mønster
